Friday, June 11, 2010


A little thing called love came into my life. Being with someone I love can be magical. Caring about him and our relationship is all that matters to me. Dangerously in love with a boy named “Gabe”. Excited every time I see him and he is around. Flirting with him is how are love began together. Gabe is now my only one true love. Having him by my side is all I need and want. I can’t imagine my life without him he is my everything. Just being around him I get butterflies in my stomach. Knowing him was the best thing that happened to my life. Love like ours was hard to find but I had faith in us. Meeting his family meant something special to me. Nothing or no one will ever get in between our love. Our relationship is something incredible. Promises were made between us. Questions remain unanswered in our relationship. Real love is what our love is called, me and you forever. Starring into each other’s eyes is what made us fall in love. The moon and stars were we stair when were not together. Us together is beyond amazing. Value of our love. Working through our problems is the answer for making everything better. Xavier is what was going to name our second son. Your love is all I need baby. Zazzy is the style of our love.