I liked watching the movie Avatar bacause it reminded me so much of our Earth. We are killing our earth and some people don't even know it. The movie was made to tell a story about our Earth and how were desteroying it. We let people make profit off of oil and kill our Earth when all there doing is killing all of us. I think that our earth should be something that all of us care about. We should want to take care of it.
As special as the tree is to the Avatars thats how we should be about our earth. Their is going to be people that want to ruin our Earth for others and we just have to fight for what we know is right. If we don't fight and be mad about what is going on today with the oil and how it is ruining our earth, then we've lost hope. I am angry about what is happening to our Earth. Our earth is just giving us a place to live and it is like our second mother because it gives us everything we have on earth.
Our animals are dying because we have dumb ass people in our earth, that al they worry about is themselves, getting profit, and money. They don't worry about what they are doing to our world. They should relize without everything in this earth our world will be nothing and just die. They say they can fix what they did but we all know they ruined everything. I want everyone to see what I see and that is that we should do as much as we can to save our world. I want the people that made the oil all over are ocean to see what they did and realize that they killed and hurt so many of earth's living things.
Our generation can change thing that the other generation messed up. Even though I am 16 I have a voice that I want everyone to listen to and hear what I have to say. I want to save our planet if I talk to people about what is going on they will see what I see and want to help to. We are killing something that we should care about. Why are so many people heartless and just trying to hurt something that gave us life. I want my kids to grow up and see everything I saw when I was young. So many Animals are dying because these people are careless, what am I gonna have to show my kids when everything is dead. I realized what we are doing to our earth I just have to tell others to listen and be angry about what is going on!!!
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